Fast startup works similarly, but with one difference. When using hibernation, Windows 10 saves the data in memory to the "hiberfil.sys" file onto the hard drive, allowing you to resume the previous session even after power loss. I hope what i have written come helpful for someone and Samsung reads this.The best way to understand how the feature works is to step back and briefly explain hibernation. If what I claim is true SAMSUNG SHOULD INFORM THE USER ABOUT DRAINAGE ON LOW RAM SYSTEMS OR SYSTEMS WITH SHARED GPU RAM !!!! I have been working on the PC some hours and I am currently writing this report with no problems so far. I HAVE JUST INSTALLED 8GB RAM ON THE SYSTEM and REACTIVATED THE MAGICIAN.
Therefore if there is drainage from both factors you can run very fast out of RAM and get sudden random crashes (any random moment that u need more ram from the pc and it is drained).
Bear in mind that when u share ur ram with gpu the system already is drained in Ram by sharing (I have read somewhere that for some clock reasons it also consumes twice as much and uses half! Not an informatics engineer so I cannot explain or understand why). I read that rapid mode uses more Ram where it saves data, programs or part of programs where it executes it when it needs. I have cross checked it and re activate and got a crash within 15mins. I did not find anything installed there so I assumed that the rapid mode would do the same thing. I have read some threads that uninstall the Enhanced mode in control panel in programs and installation would solve the problem. After the 1903 win10 update i measured about 10-12 per day I have a lenovo Laptop on Win10 with 1TB Evo 860 Magician v5.2.1 and 4gb Ram shared with GPU